Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dear City Council,

This is in regard to the Unity In The Community Archway.

Serving the city by raising funds through the arts has been quite an adventure
for my little not for profit Mother J Productions. Over the years one of the events I'm most proud of is the Unity In The Community Archway. It seems to me in this day in time we need to be reminded of our need to come together regardless of our indifference's, the archway itself represents cultural diversity, spirituality and caring for our fellow man as our Mount Dora children so proudly represented with 750 tiles expressing that point of view.

The Archway also honors our own city councilwoman Adrian Lowe who was a community builder and well respected citizen here in Mount Dora.

The Archway is in dire need of repair. Isn't there something we can do?

In these day's of economic concern, I know every city has budget concerns and the idea of making managerial decisions is paramount for the city manager our mayor and council.

Warmest regards

Mickey Carroll
Mother J Productions